Researchers (29) |
An, Seung-Geon (¾È½Â°Ç)
Research Assistant Professor (~2020.01)
Ph.D. (2014), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Postdoc (2015~2017), Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
Research area: Functional materials for energy application
E-mail : seunggeon@postech.ac.kr
Research Assistant Professor (~2018.05)
Ph.D (2009), Sunchon National University, Korea
Research area : Ultrafast spectroscpoy, Perovskite/organic solar cells
Email : mouli@postech.ac.kr
Choi, Wookjin (ÃÖ¿íÁø)
Post-doctoral Research Scientist
Ph.D. (2018), Kyoto University
Research area: Organic Electronics
E-mail : conductcwj@postech.ac.kr
Chung, Yoonyoung (Á¤À±¿µ)
Post-doctoral Research Scientist (2012~2014)
Flexible electronics
E-mail: ychung@postech.ac.kr
Homepage: http://chunglab.postech.ac.kr/yoonyoung/
Eun, Jongmyung (ÀºÁ¾¸í)
2014.3~2020.2 Dept. Organic Mater. and Fiber Eng. Soongsil University (BS)
2020.9~2022.2 Dept. Chem. Eng. and Mater. Sci. Chung-Ang University (MS)
2022.10~2023.9 Polymer Research Institute
Research Area : Mixed Ionic Conductor
E-mail : eunjm0109@postech.ac.kr
Hwang, Jinhyun (ȲÁøÇö)
2013.3~2017.2 Dept. Organic and Nano Sys. Eng. Konkuk Univ. (BS)
2017.3~ Dept. Organic and Nano Sys. Eng. Konkuk Univ. (MS/Ph.D Candidate)
2021.9~2024.8 Center for Advanced Soft Electronics Researcher (TRP)
Research Area: Graphene/Organic hybrid
E-mail : dinyon93@postech.ac.kr
J. Arul Clement
Post-doctoral Research Scientist (~2014)
Organic synthesis
E-mail: clement@postech.ac.kr
Jang, Mi (Àå¹Ì)
Post-doctoral Research Scientist
Ph.D. (2016), Inha University
Research Area : OTFT
E-mail : jangmi@postech.ac.kr
Kim, Ji Hoon (±èÁöÈÆ)
2018.3~2024.2 Dept. Polym Sci. and Eng. Dankook University (BS)
2024.2~2024.8 Polymer Research Institute
Reaserch Area :
E-mail : fhald99@postech.ac.kr
Kim, Tae Hyung (±èÅÂÇü)
Post-doctoral Research Scientist (2017)
Ph.D. (2013), SKKU
Research area : energy storage (capacitor, hydrogen storage)
E-mail : thkim81@postech.ac.kr
Lee, Dongki (À̵¿±â)
Post-doctoral Research Scientist (~2019.8)
Ph.D. (2016), SNU
Research area : Time-resolved spectroscopy, Organic photovoltaics
E-mail : dongkilee@postech.ac.kr
Liang Ma
Post-doctoral Research Scientist
Min, Jaekyu (¹ÎÀç±Ô)
1994.3~1999.2 Dept. Chem. Eng. POSTECH (BS)
2011.3~ Dept. Chem. Eng. POSTECH (MS/Ph.D. Candidate)
E-mail : min@postech.ac.kr
Nguyen Ngan, Nguyen
Post-doctoral Research Scientist @ TU Dresden (prof. Xinliang Feng)
2015~2016 Dept. Eng. Phys. Aalto University (Researcher)
2016.9~2019.8 Dept. Chem. Eng. POSTECH (Ph.D.)
Research Area : Molecular Solid State Physics, Graphene
E-mail : ngannguyen@postech.ac.kr
Samsung Display Vietnam
Pak, Sang Woo (¹Ú»ó¿ì)
Researcher (2013.01 ~ 2016.02)
Organic/inorganic photodetector
E-mail : ophelia16@postech.ac.kr
Pham Duy Tho
Post-doctoral Research Scientist
Ph.D. (2016), Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
Postdoc (2016~2018), Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics (CINAP), SKKU
Research area: Energy storage materials and devices
E-mail : duythopham@postech.ac.kr
Ranbir Singh
Post-doctoral Research Scientist (~2018.03)
Ph.D. (2014), Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Research area: OPV
Email : ranbir@postech.ac.kr
Ransheng Riu
Post-doctoral Research Scientist (~2009)
Organic synthesis
Ryu, hyeon soo
Post-doctoral Research Scientist
Anionic polymerization
Sanjaykumar S. R. (»êÁ¦ÀÌ)
Post-doctoral Research Scientist (~2017.11)
Ph.D. (2015) University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea
Research Area: Organic synthesis (OPV, flexible electronics, e-skins)
E-mail: sanjay@postech.ac.kr
Seo, Jung Tak (¼Á¤Å¹)
Post-doctoral Research Scientist (~2017)
2015.2 Ph.D in Physics, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea
2017.11~ Saint-Gobain Group R&D center, Gunsan (GRDC)
E-mail: jungtak.seo@saint-gobain.com
Sobha Prakash
Vising Researcher
Thermal and Rheological properties of Polymer Blends
Xurong Xu
Post-doctoral Research Scientist
biomineralization & Superhydrophobic
Post-doctoral Research Scientist
Organic synthesis
Yingxi Lu
Post-doctoral Research Scientist (~2008)
Polymer Interface
Yoo, Dongho (À¯µ¿È£)
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2017.04~2020.03 Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering,
School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
2015.04~2017.03 M.S. candidate, Dept. of Organic and Polymeric Materials
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
2011.04-2015.03 B.S. candidate, Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering
School of Engineering, Nagoya University (Japan)
Research area: Organic semiconductors
E-mail: dongho312@postech.ac.kr